Friday 17 January 2020

Post 1 roblox studio

I created a landscape depicting a brutal war between two american states which turned on echother as one wanted a communist revolution.

I created from a combat template.
I placed structures throughout the map that I could later organize.

This was a bamboo battle base.

Sometimes builds dont make it to the final project but they show previous ideas.

A radio tower

This build got stuck in the air and i couldn't delete it so i worked around this issue and incorporated it in an interesting way.

I spawned in a terrain that would fit this other front of war.
Here they are split.

I added details of burning trees and an american flag.

I began building trenches.

I added rocks to the trenches to make them more realistic.

This was them before the rocks from the back.

I build ladders up to my mistake building to make a tower thing.

I tried to make the trenches and the barbed wire make a convincing no mans land.

I made a garage for vehicles.

This premaid base fit my whole base perfectly.

Added final touches with detail packs.

Details like putting aircraft on helipads make projects have depth.

Another view of all the buildings I added.
A view on the inside. On the left I added tanks!

This is the base completed.

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