Tuesday 21 January 2020

Post 5 Roblox studio

There are many tools in roblox studio and for my final post, I tried to find out as much as I can about different things you can do. This game is even more diverse than I realized because the world you create can be affected by multiple interesting factors.
The material option is in the top bar.

I spawned in a metal crate and started trying out different tools.

I started changing materials and turned this metal crate into fabric.

I realized you could add effects like smoke or fire!

I turned this block to wood to see if it could now light on fire and burn but it didn't work so changing the material only affects the texture.

I turned the block into a light which could be applied to other models in a dark environment maybe and i realized you could add multiple effects to the same model.

I found a welding tool which I assume can connect models. This tool wasn't working for me so I believe it requires skill to master like the trade.

You can mess around under the model bar and add images and other things to the game. This is where I found the audio section in an earlier post but I realized images might actually be cool.
I spawned in an image found the same way by searching, and clicked on a wall. The image is a part of the wall now.

When adding something you want the player to spawn with like a gun all you have to do is add to starter pack. Weapons can be found under models.

Monday 20 January 2020

post 4 roblox studio

This is everything I learned during this roblox project.

I tested my creativity through roblox studio to the extreme. The first lessons I have learned are how to place objects and manipulate the environment. I feel I have only scratched the tip of whats possible in this amazing creative tool known as roblox studio. In the next post I will explore other features.

There are 3 options for affecting in game objects and size is one. All sizes can be found above the model section and are all labeled. Just click on a model to start affecting it.

Rotation slide mouse to rotate along colored lines

direct movement pull mouse while clicking on colour to move

and movement with cursor

The back button undos most recent activity which comes in handy when you make mistakes and realize you can undo them but I didn't know this was possible when I accidentally spawned in that floating base thing. The lesson here is find out every detail of something before jumping in.

In the bottom left you can search models to spawn in your game. Typing working before means that the model may have effects like a walking goomba or driving vehicle. Experimenting by pressing play up in the top right is the only way to see if they work however. Some models like cars may have different controls from echother.

You can also access things like audio under models and place them

Dont forget to change colors and click on a model at the top to diversify your environment.

Make sure highly detail models fit in your blocky terrain. Make your world cohesive

Under play you can choose play here for testing.

Spawners are important in making and their brother checkpoints can be found in models and next to effects.

You can also copy and paste objects however, when spawning in a copied object it will appear above the one you copied from.

Friday 17 January 2020

post 3 roblox studio

In this post, I made a couple random projects that were never fully completed but they taught me interesting things about this game. And gave me ideas for future creations

I built a garage filled with epic cars I found and made sure everyone in the class chose A vehicle

I put in a garage.

This garage was the one i chose because it was well detailed.

I started adding cars starting with my favorite the cybertruck. The cars were all found in models.

Trey loves the porche911. A tip for finding models is too use perfect spelling as different stuff will appear if you spell something too abbreviated

James wanted the biggest car. Models spawn near you randomly so you will most likely have to move them.
Some people wanted tanks, mystery machines and to see cars burn

No vehicle left behind and all drivable 

I tried alot of physic base things
I built a bunch of buildings to see if they collapse. they do but it makes your game laggy

I tried spawning in flight vehicles. Most crumbled when i spawned them. There must be a way to work around this.

This is an example of nuke physics or explosions

Be careful when dealing with burning things as they can kill you. The fire flower from the previous post was dangerous!!!!!!!!!!!


Post 2 roblox studio

I created a plat former based in the Mario universe with an awesome adventure.

First I started building a background.

I layered trees.

I spawned in multiple rock formations including an oasis which I put a tunnel through. I Added green mario pipes for detail. 

The walls allow the player to not get to other parts of the level.

I added some platforming over a spiky hole.

I added goombas for fun!

Here is the platforming done.

This boss was added to the other side of the tunnel. And I put a garage with a red ferrari so the player can escape.

Here is the inside of the tunnel that leads to the next part of the level.

This road leads to a dirt road then rainbow road to escape and finish

This is the boss side from the top. The rainbow road is at the bottom and those buildings on the left were from me messing around  and when I was considering making it a timed level by incorporating a nuclear bomb.

Fight goombas

Use powerups like fire flower.
Fire flower burns down background trees.



Burn the boss

Replaced with ford crown vic and drive to the rainbow road